The Isle of Wight Freshwater Angling Company is a limited company registered with Companies House. Membership of our Company is very much in demand, and any vacancies are filled from our waiting list. The membership year runs from the 1st of June to the 31st May each year. Fees are reviewed each year and for the 2024/25 year are as follows:


  • Full member (aged 19 or over) £145

  • Family membership to include Husband/wife/partner and up to 3 children under the age of 16 is £162. (Husband/Wife/partner and children cannot fish unless the primary member is present.)

  • Concessionary members (over the age of 65 and registered disabled persons) £113

  • Juniors aged 16 to 18 years old £35

  • Juniors under 16 are free, but must be accompanied by a member who will assume parental responsibility.

  • Associate member – a member who does not fish but wishes to accompany a member £10

    New Family, Full, or Concessionary members will also be required to pay a £35.00 joining fee in addition to the annual fee

To apply for inclusion on our waiting list please e mail the Company Secretary who will add your details to the list, and if there are vacancies in late May or early June, you will be contacted by the Company Secretary with an invitation to apply using a link which will give access to the membership application form. Each application will be subject to approval by the Company Directors

Directors & Board Members

John Creaser

Company Secretary

Pete Bennett


Eric Hayles


Spencer Simpson


Tim Oatley


Shane Pearce


Shirley Winn


Ian Winn
